Rotas For Monthly Meetings 2025
At our monthly meetings we ask our members to take it in turns to make the Tea/Coffee and dish up the delicious treats that several of our members have made.
We have also asked our members to volunteer to cover other monthly tasks. Please check the rota below well in advance to see if you are covering one of the volunteer slots.
Monthly Tasks are listed below.
Tea/Coffee Rota.
Registration Rota.
Raffle Rota. When required
Badges Rota.
Please be at the hall between 7.15-7.25pm
All other Rotas are covered below. If you are unable to cover your allocated month please arrange to swap with another member. Your help as always is much appreciated.
Scroll down for Monthly Rotas
Rotas For Monthly Meetings 2025
January Meeting
Refreshments: Christine Whale & Lindsay Allsop
Registration: Tanya Booth
Badges: Ruth Zabel & Jen Broh
February Meeting
Refreshments: Alyson Bayly & Soraya Tomkins
Registration: Margaret Barnes
Badges: Gwef White & Gillian Arnold
March Meeting
Refreshments: Beverlie Isaacs & Veronica Cannon
Registration: Else-Marie Anerud
Badges: Jenny Caine & Rita Derriman
April Meeting
Refreshments: Anna Wallace & Marilyn Day
Registration: Jacky Angus
Badges: Sue Chanter & Chris Mitchell
May Meeting
Badges: Alison Wood
June Meeting